Sunday, April 12, 2009

Crossfit - Forging Elite Fitness

The percentage of obese Americans has grown from 13% to 31% in the past 40 years. This alarming statistic has widened the market for products and services to possibly reduce this growing trend. People want to be fit and healthy, but many of us are stuck in a rut of monotonous “globo” gym fitness routines and boring workouts. Some of us are also burdened by our own lack of knowledge of fitness and healthy eating habits. Many have tried to tap into this largely saturated market through products they claim work. However, many have grown weary of these products and feel that none work.

Thesis: Crossfit is a relatively new fitness regimen that is gaining wide acclaim throughout the fitness community. Through the use of marketing, I want consumers to realize the benefits of Crossfit and gain motivation to participate.

My background in fitness
Years of lifting weights (style)
Athletic background (years playing basketball)/teaching at basketball camps
Time spent doing Crossfit
Experience as a trainer

Crossfit – What is Crossfit? (Source: Crossfit Journal) (Source: myself (Level 1 Certified Crossfit Trainer)

I. Background of Crossfit – How it started
Definition of Fitness

II. Fundamental ideologies behind Crossfit
Constantly varied, functional movements, at high intensity
Definition of intensity as defined by Crossfit

III. Nutrition element of Crossfit
Paleolithic diet
Zone diet
Paleo-zone diet

IV. Training Crossfit
My experiences both as an athlete and trainer

V. 2009 Crossfit Games and other local Crossfit competitions

Current market situation
“Globo” gyms –
Gold’s gym, World Gym, Bally’s, 24 Hour Fitness…
What these companies do and whom they cater to.

P90X –
What P90X is

Other Fitness/diet programs
Different fad diets
“Magazine” workouts

Application to Consumer (source: surveys, data research)
What is the consumer looking for when thinking about exercise and nutrition
How can Crossfit be that for the consumer?
A look at what Crossfit HQ is doing now?

Differentiation and association becoming key
How Crossfit is different
Consumer perceptions of Crossfit
Crossfit Results
Crossfit Community

Marketing myself
Using Crossfit to market myself for the summer as a trainer
Differentiation by association
Developing a Crossfit community

1 comment:

  1. Mike - I think this is heading in a pretty good direction, but I do have a few comments. First, this blog is a bit shorter (well, not as extensive) as I was hoping - I wanted you all to do more than just a basic outline. Second, be sure that your paper does not just come across a love letter to Crossfit and how great it is. I realize that you train with the program and believe strongly in it, but try to be a bit more objective in your paper. Third, you need to be really sure that your paper is focused on the idea of insights and experience - don't just have a section on that, weave it in throughout your paper. What are the general insights about people engaging in fitness and then, more specifically, in Crossfit. And, therefore, what types of experiences does Crossfit (and a Crossfit trainer) provide to meet those insights. I hope that helps.
